Monday, 21 December 2009

Quiet Times.


Lily said...

does it really still look like this where you are at this time of year? or were the last 3 pics summer pics?

I hope you'll have a really nice Christmas and a Happy new year!

I have some videos posted here:
which you might enjoy. they put you into the wintry-Christmas-mood...

happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Hope you both had a Wondeful day Trevor.

Heiko and Lisa

Brad said...

Sometimes quiet times are the best of times.Great photo.
Looking forward to your photos :)

Unknown said...

During quiet times Sarah I delve into the achives for inspiration.
Hope your Christmas was fantastic and the coming year full of happiness.

Unknown said...

Thank you Heiko. Yes it was nice and peaceful.
I already know you did.

Unknown said...

Thank you Brad.
I know your blog inspires a lot of people..I always leave it feeling calm with a sense of wonder that one can radiate so much happiness.
Have a lovely New Year .